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faq:eppsg_en [2023/01/26 18:04] tm1019faq:eppsg_en [2023/02/21 10:45] – [Datenvergleich von der UFR gemeldete Daten / BundID] yl1032
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ===== Technical information about the implementation EPPSG (Studierenden-Energiepreispauschalengesetz) at the University Freiburg ===== ===== Technical information about the implementation EPPSG (Studierenden-Energiepreispauschalengesetz) at the University Freiburg =====
 >>Deutsche Version: [[faq:eppsg|Technische Informationen zur Umsetzung EPPSG (Studierenden-Energiepreispauschalengesetz) an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg]] >>Deutsche Version: [[faq:eppsg|Technische Informationen zur Umsetzung EPPSG (Studierenden-Energiepreispauschalengesetz) an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg]]
-English Version will follow, when proccess is stable+<WRAP center round todo 60%> 
 +English Version will bei finalized, when proccess is stable 
 +<WRAP left round box 40%> 
 +**In this article you will learn** 
 +  * How the University of Freiburg (uFR) its preliminary work on topic 200 EUR energy costs one-time grant  for students technically implements 
 +  * Which case groups are technically differed from each other at the UFR by the EPPSC implementation 
 +  * Which information in which phases are provided in HISinOne portlets or PDF documents 
 +  * What are the possibilities for data comparison [[|HISinOne]] vs. [[|Nutzerkonto Bund (BundID)]] 
 +Important: Here you can find primary technical background information. As soon as the University of Freiburg has a information page for the students, it would be linked here... 
 +<WRAP left round box 40%> 
 +**Also helpful** 
 +  * The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information at about the 200 euro one-time payment for students and technical school students.  
 +  * Portal for applying for the 200 euro energy costs one-time grant: [[|]] 
 +  * Information of the university on the 200 euro energy costs one-time grant for students can be found here [[|Link still on the way ...]] 
 +  * Portal BundID: [[]] 
 +  * [[faq:bundid_en|Personal/contact information: BundID]] 
 +  * Information page of the system producers from HISinOne: [[|Wie unterstützt HIS die Prozesse rund um die Energiepreispauschale?]] 
 +</WRAP> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ 
 +===== Note ===== 
 +<note important>The information on this page is not final. The page will be updated with the future clarification of the process. 
 +We use below the definitions 'access code' and 'PIN' because now we assume that these definitions would be used in the central portal for application. The planned implementation procedure for Baden-Württemberg would possibly use the definitions 'access key' and 'PIN'. In our documentation applys: access code = access key.  
 +===== Overview ===== 
 +Planned procedure (status 2023-02-14) 
 +  * The application of the 200 euro is completed through a new **central digital application platform**: 
 +  * The *universities* should **deliver encrypted data**, which is encrypted with an individual access code for each authorized person.  
 +The technical impletementation at the University of Freiburg is completed through [[|Campus-Management-System HISinOne]] based on the [[|Studierenden-Energiepreispauschalengesetz - EPPSG]] and a planned "EPPSG-Durchführungsverordnung – EPPSG-VO" for Baden-Württemberg. Since the EPPSG-VO has not yet been approved, not all technical details have been finalized yet. The following procedure is planned: 
 +  * The University of Freiburg starts the procedure with an **information phase** in which potential data errors should be **corrected in advance**. 
 +  * The University of Freiburg will provide students with the **access code in [[https:///|HISinOne]]** as soon as it's allowed. 
 +  * For students to use the **central application platform** a **[[|BundID]]** is needed. 
 +  * There are two access ways to the application for the energy costs one-time grant on the central digital application platform with the BundID 
 +    * **BundID with high trust level** (online ID function, European eID or personal ELSTER certificate) + **access code** 
 +    * **BundID with low trust level** (username/password+ **access code** + **Pin** 
 +  * The better the delivered data of the university matched the data of the BundID, the fewer problems are to be expected by the application. According to the information received by the University, the data from the BundID (specifically, first name, last name, date of birth) must **sufficiently** match the data provided by the University in order for an application to be submitted. More to the topic 'sufficiently' see the section down below. 
 +  * In order to provide the students with a **data comparison HISinOne/BundID**, students who are willing to do it can also link their BundID in HISinOne. **It is not necessary**. Further information to BundID and HISinOne can be found under [[faq:bundid_en|Personal/Contact data: BundID]]. 
 +At present, we are technically assuming three case groups and a process in three phases:  
 +===== Case groups ===== 
 +We have technically built three case groups in HISinOne since not all students who are enrolled at the university on 01.12.2022 are eligible to receive an access code from the UFR: 
 +== Case group 1: Enrolled on 01.12.2022 and eligible for UFR access code == 
 +Apply to the vast majority of students and enrolled doctoral candidates who were enrolled at the University of Freiburg in the winter semester 2022/23 
 +== Case group 2: Enrolled on 01.12.2022, but no eligibility at the UFR == 
 +Students who were enroll at the University of Freiburg on 01.12.2022 but belong to a special case group for which the Unversity of Freiburg will not generate access codes. This is the case for example when the access code for the person is generated from another high education institution or from other reasons no entitlement exists.  
 +== Not enrolled at the UFR on 01.12.2022 == 
 +Students and doctoral students who were not enrolled at the University of Freiburg on 01.12.2022. In this case group belong for example students or doctoral students who are matriculated in the winter semester 2022/23 but were not enrolled until the 01.12.2022. All not matriculated learners fall into the case group: guest listener, contact students, EPICUR-incomings,... 
 +Case group control and provision of information is carried out in HISinone via the [[hisinone:bearbeiten:allgemein:personenattribute|Personenattribute]]: EPPSG-case group, EPPSG-master data, EPPSG-Code und EPPSG-PIN. 
 +===== Phases ===== 
 +Right now three phases by the technical implementation are planned:  
 +== Information phase == 
 +  * The university informs via portlet in HISinOne all matriculated students and doctoral students which case group is stored for them in HISinOne. 
 +  * The students and doctoral students of the case group 1 will be asked in the same portlet to check their master data (first name, last name, date of birth), so that fewer prblems will occur when applying via the portal [[|]] under the use of [[|federal user account (BundID)]]. For necessary data corrections, students are referred to the function ''Service | Applications | Change of personal data'' in HISinOne. 
 +  * This phase begins as soon as the university has finalized the criteria for case group determination  
 +  * It ends with a data export of the university for forwarding onto the responsible office of the state Baden-Württemberg. Which data are trasmitted can be found in the section below. 
 +== Release phase == 
 +  * The university is only allowed to provide the students with the access code when the data delivery from the university to the responsible office of the state Baden-Württemberg is carried out and the univeristy receives a clearance from there. 
 +  * The university informs all matriculated students and doctoral students of case group 1, whose master data has been delivered to the responsible office, via portlet in HISinOne. Changes which are made after the data delivery after the trasmit remains local by the University of Freiburg and would not be taken into account at [[|]]. 
 +  * To this moment the access code itself would not be showed in HISinOne. 
 +  * Persons of the case groupa and 2 will be informed via portlet in HISinOne, that for them no access code was generated. 
 +  * This phase ends with the release through the responsible office of the state Baden-Württemberg and the import of the access codes into HISinOne. 
 +== Application phase == 
 +  * The university informs all matriculated students and doctoral students of case group 1, whose master data has been delivered to [[|]] and with which individual access code the one-time payment can be requested, via portlet in HISinOne. 
 +  * Persons of case group 1 with BundID with high trust level can apply for the one-time payment with the access code directly at [[|]]. 
 +  * For the case that there is only a BundID with low trust level, all persons of the case group 1 can request a mail for pin in HISinOne through 'My Studies | Student Service' and at the tab 'Requested Reports / Reports'. With the master data, the access code from the portlet and the pin from the pin mail the one-time payment can be requested at [[|]] in this alternative way. 
 +  * The pin mail would be displayed directly in HISinOne as PDF document. 
 +  * The pin mail can be requested alternatively for a person of case group 1 from the administrator in the Student Service Center. 
 +  * The generation of the pin mail will be automatically documented in HISinOne with the information who request for who at when. 
 +  * Generated pin mail can be always displayed again in system by the person concerned or Student Service Center. 
 +===== Additional offer data comparison ===== 
 +These are additional offers of the University of Freiburg, which are not required for the application. They are intended as support services to make the application process as smooth as possible for UFR students.  
 +==== Data comparison HISinOne / BundID ==== 
 +In and after the information phase students who already have a BundID can compare the master data from their BundID account with the master data that are saved in HISinOne: 
 +  * If you haven't done that then: link your BundID with your personal dataset in HISinOne. Instruction to this under  [[faq:bundid_en#Link_BundID_with_your_own_personal_data_record|Personal/Contact Information: BundID (German Federal User Account)]]n 
 +  * Log yourself in HISinOne in with your BundID 
 +  * At the start page, switch to the tab BundID. On mobile devices, switch from "Information" to "BundID" in the drop-down list. 
 +  * You can see the data from your BundID account and, in the master data, any deviations from your current data in HISinOne 
 +  * An explanation of the transmitted data can be found under [[faq:bundid-technik|Technische Hintergrundinformationen: BundID]] (in German) 
 +Important notes: 
 +  * On the subject of "sufficient data consistency", see the chapter on the subject below. 
 +  * The BundID provides the possibility to use different accesses for one BundID account: 
 +    * Online identification function (eID, eAT, eID-Karte) 
 +    * ELSTER 
 +    * Username / password.  
 +  * The transferred data from the BundID can be different depending on which access to your BundID you used for the current login in HISinOne. Example:   
 +    * Access via online ID function: 'ALBERT LUDWIG' will be tranferred to HISinOne. 
 +    * Access via username / password for the same BundID: 'Albert Ludwig' will be transferred to HISinOne. 
 +  * We assume that this would be the same case later by the registration at 
 +==== Data comparison data reported from the UFR / current data in HISinOne ==== 
 +In the release phase and in the application phase for all students of the case group 1: 
 +  * Log yourself in at HISinOne 
 +  * In the portlet which you already know from the information phase the current deviations are displayed. 
 +After the data delivery incorrect data would be further corrected in HISinOne. A correction at the central platform of application is however not possible in the nationwide procedure. 
 +==== Data comparison data reported from the UFR / BundID data ==== 
 +In the release phase and in the application phase all students of the case group 1 who already have a BundID can compare the master data from their BundID with the master data which the UFR delivered for the central platform via the responsible office of the state. 
 +  * Sofern sie dies noch nicht getan haben: Verknüpfen Sie ihre BundID mit ihrem Personendatensatz in HISinOne. Anleitung dazu unter [[faq:bundid#bundid_mit_dem_eigenen_personendatensatz_verknuepfen|Personen-/Kontaktdaten: BundID verknüpfen]] 
 +  * Melden sie sich mit ihrer BundID an HISinOne an 
 +  * Im Portlet, dass Sie schon aus der Informationsphase kennen, werden eventuelle Abweichungen angezeigt.  
 +Beachten sie bitte auch die Hinweise im Kapitel "Datenvergleich von der UFR gemeldete Daten / BundID". Nach der Datenlieferung (Freigabephase und Beantragungsphase) können fehlerhafte Daten weiterhin in HISinOne korrigiert werden. Eine Korrektur auf der zentralen Plattform zur Beantragung ist aber im bundesweiten Verfahren nicht vorgesehen. 
 +===== "Hinreichende" Übereinstimmung der gelieferten Daten ===== 
 +Je besser die gelieferten Daten der Universität zu den Daten der BundID passen, umso weniger Probleme sind bei der Beantragung zu erwarten. Nach den Informationen, die die Universität erhalten hat, müssen die Daten aus der BundID (konkret Vornamen, Nachname, Geburtsdatum) **hinreichend** mit den Daten übereinstimmen, die die Universität geliefert hat, damit ein Antrag gestellt werden kann. 
 +Aktuell liegen uns noch keine Informationen oder Erfahrungen vor was "hinreichend" bedeutet. Wir gehen aber entsprechend aktueller IT-Standards davon aus, dass folgende Konstellationen "hinreichend" sein sollten: 
 +    * Abweichung nur bei Groß/Kleinschreibung (z.B. HISinOne "Albert Ludwig", BundID mit Personalausweis "ALBERT LUDWIG"
 +    * Universität hat nur einen Vornamen geliefert, im BundID-Konto sind mehrere Vornamen gespeichert (z.B. HISinOne "Albert", BundID "Albert Ludwig"
 +    * Albert versus Albèrt? Wir wissen es nicht. 
 +Das auf Bundesebene gewählte Verfahren ist mit der individuellen Verschlüsselung der Daten aus unserer Sicht relativ sicher, allerdings ist für die Hochschulen nur eine einmalige Datenlieferung ohne spätere Korrekturmöglichkeit vorgesehen. D.h. wir haben nur einen Versuch um möglichst gute Daten zu liefern, die dann im späteren Verfahren "hinreichend" zur BundID der Studierenden passen sollten. Aus diesem Grund hat sich die Universität Freiburg entschieden eine Informationsphase vorzuschalten, um den Studierenden die Möglichkeit zu geben: 
 +  * Die eigenen Daten in HISinOne ohne BundID zu kontrollieren und ggf. vom Service Center Studium vor der Datenlieferung der UFR korrigieren zu lassen 
 +  * Die eigenen Daten in HISinOne mit den Daten aus einem bereits vorhandenen BundID-Konto zu vergleichen und ggf. vom Service Center Studium vor der Datenlieferung der UFR korrigieren zu lassen 
 +Nach der Datenlieferung (Freigabephase und Beantragungsphase) können fehlerhafte Daten weiterhin in HISinOne korrigiert werden. Eine Korrektur auf der zentralen Plattform zur Beantragung ist aber im bundesweiten Verfahren nicht vorgesehen. Sofern die Daten der **BundID mit hohem Vertrauensniveau** (Online-Ausweis-Funktion, Europäischen eID oder persönliches ELSTERZertifikat) nicht hinreichend mit den gelieferten Daten übereinstimmen (oder kein Online-Ausweis und Alternativen zur Verfügung stehen), besteht für die Studierenden noch die Möglichkeit der Beantragung über eine **BundID mit niedrigem Vertrauensniveau** (Benutzername/Passwort) + Zugangscode + PIN. Wir wissen derzeit nicht, ob bei der Alternative "Zugangscode + PIN" auch "Vornamen, Nachname, Geburtsdatum" mit geprüft werden. Deshalb bietet die UFR als Service auch folgende Möglichkeit: 
 +  * Anzeige der von der Universität gelieferten Stammdaten (Vornamen, Nachname, Geburtsdatum) in dem Portlet in HISinOne das in schon in der Informationsphase genutzt wurde, damit die Studierenden ggf. die Daten in ihrem BundID-Konto an die gelieferten Daten anpassen können, um eine "hinreichende" Überstimmung zu erreichen. 
 +===== Data which the university should deliver to the central platform through the responsible office of the land ===== 
 +Für jede Berechtigte Person soll die UFR einen Datensatz mit folgenden Inhalten liefern: 
 +For each eligible person the UFR should deliver a data set with following contents: 
 +  * ID of the educational institutions (1240) 
 +  * name of the educational institutions (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) 
 +  * abbreviation of the state of the educational institutions (BW) 
 +  * **encrypted data of the eligible person (first name, last name, date of birth)**, idividually encrypted with the access code of the person 
 +  * **hash value of the access codes** 
 +  * **pin (encrypted)** 
 +It will be indirectly with this dataset transmitted, that the person belongs to the group of eligible persons and was matriculated at the University of Freiburg an 01.12.2022 (In other way the university is not allowed to deliver dataset for the person). So long as the person him/herself doesn't decrypt the transmitted data with his/her personal access code at the central application platform, the personal data is not available for anyone on the transportation or at the central application platform. 
 +===== Data which the university saves when the voluntary supplemental offer to data comparison is used ===== 
 +  * **BundID bpk2**: special identification for the person in Campus-Managment-System HISinOne of the University of Freiburg, so that the system can again recognize the person every time by login. The unique username of your BundID would not be taken over to HISinOne at the interface. 
 +  * **BundID mailbox reference**: could be used in HISinOne in order to post notice in the BundID account as a part of the study place admisson process. The mailbox reference would be saved, but the functionality would not be used at the University of Freiburg at the moment. Notices would be available for downloading directly in HISinOne for the person concerned. 
 +Further information to BundID and HISinOne: [[faq:bundid_en|Personal/contact data: BundID]]\\ 
 +Technical backgroudinformation to BundID and HISinOne (in German): [[faq:bundid-technik|Technische Hintergrundinformationen: BundID]]
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