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Application: Step by Step

1. a) use an existing Uni-Account

If you already are a student at the University of Freiburg and have a UniAccount, you can log in with your existing account and start the application using „My Functions“ and „Online Application“.
If you have a UniAccount as an employee of the University of Freiburg, you can't use your existing account for an online application. Instead, you have to create a new account.

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1. b) self-registration

  1. Start the self-registration process on (Menu „Appliction“)

  2. Enter your personal data and finish with clicking on „Register“. The fields marked with * are mandatory. For some fields you can get additional information by pressing the info-button .

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  3. After successfull self-registration you receive a mail to [hisinone:bewerben:accountaktivieren_en|acivate your application account]]. You can click the link in the mail, or you can enter the activation code manually.

2. start the online application

  1. After successfull actication of you account, you can start the online application using the „my functions“ menu.

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  2. If you start an application for the first time, you have to choose the semester you want to apply for.

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    If you already started an application process, you can continue with step 3.
  3. Click on „add an application form for admission“ to start the application process.

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3. course of choice

Please be aware that you have a limited choice of subjects and degrees depending on semester you apply for. That depends on different application periods (start dates and dead lines).
  1. Please choose your desired degree first.
  2. Please chose your subject afterwards.
  3. Please choose Major or Minor.
  4. Please choose your form of studies.
  5. Please choose your course of studies.
  6. Finally select the semester in which you want to commence your studies…
  7. …and click „continue“

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4. additional information

The additional information regarding the consideration as a top athlete do not matter for graduate degrees.

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5. university entrance entitlement

  1. Please select wether you optained your university entrance entitlement in Germany or abroad.
  2. Please select the type of entrance entitlement.
  3. Please enter the grade
  4. Please enter your graduation date (as on certificate)
  5. If you chose „abroad“ above, please select the country where you obtained your entrance entitlement. Otherwise select the county.
  6. Please indicate wether you want to request to ammend the waiting time. (Only for undergraduate degrees)
  7. …and click „continue“

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If you don't have your grade yet, you can leave the field empty. In this case, you have to leave the field „graduation date“ empty as well!

6. Information regarding university background, vocational training and service

Only change the following information, if you apply for a DOSV course of study with a german university entrance entitlement.
Finally, enter any information about a possible university / study background, vocational training or a kind of service.

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7. information depending on the subject

The questions after step 6 depend on the chosen subject / course of study. If you have any questions regarding the application contents, please contact the. For further questions please contact the Student Service Center or for some master degrees the faculty itself. You can find information here.

QR-Code Application: Step by Step (erstellt für aktuelle Seite)