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Enter data for doctoral candidiates (DOC502)

Enter data for doctoral candidates (DOC502)

  • Start by creating a new request under „Service“ → „Requests“ → „Doctorate“.
  • The window „Create new request“ will appear.

Enter and edit your request

  • A new window „Select reason for request“ opens. Click on the drop-down menu and choose the faculty where you plan to do your doctoral studies.


  • Enter the basic details of your desired doctorate here.
  1. The field Doctoral Subject will appear. In the Subject field, enter the doctoral subject agreed upon with your first supervisor. It will appear via the typeahead function or the suggest function. Alternatively, you can click on the blue arrow to the right of the search field. A new tab with a search mask for your doctoral subject will appear.
  2. Enter the Title of (your) Doctoral Program that you aim at and that you agreed upon with your doctoral supervisor.
  3. Please enter the Academic Degree that is planned to be given to you after you have successfully graduated.
  4. Choose the Type of Doctorate. Is the right to confer the doctorate at the basis of Germany or at another country or are you part of a cooperation.
  5. Choose the Type of (your) Dissertation, meaning a monography or a cumulative dissertation.

Structured Doctoral Program

  • If you are taking part in a structured doctoral program, please enter this information here.
  1. Enter your Doctoral Program as agreed upon with your doctoral supervisor. It will appear via the typeahead function or the suggest function.
  2. If you like, enter the date on which you started your doctoral program.
  3. If already available, you can enter the date on which you leave the doctoral program.


  • Here you can provide information about the supervision of your doctorate.
  1. Please enter your doctoral supervisor in field Supervising Person. Only enter the name of your first supervisor. It will appear through the typeahead or suggest function. Alternatively, you can search for your doctoral supervisor via the blue arrow.
  2. Choose „Yes“ if this person is your first supervisor.
  3. Enter the date since when you are supervised by this person.
  4. Enter the date when the supervision finishes.
  5. Enter the date when you have received the signed agreement for the supervision of your doctoral program from this person.
  6. Enter the date when you have signed the agreement for the supervision.

First enrollment

  • Enter the information to your first enrollment at a university.
    1. Select the country in which you enrolled for the first time.
    2. If you selected Germany, enter your first university.
    3. Choose whether your first semester was a summer semester (April - September) or a winter semester (October - March).
    4. Choose the year in which you enrolled at a university for the first time.

Note for trimester or spring/fall semester:
If your university had trimester or spring/fall semester, look at your matriculation date. If it is in the summer semester, select the summer semester. If your matriculation date is in the winter semester, select then the winter semester.

First registration

  • Choose the date of your first registration as a doctoral candidate in Germany, if you have ever been formally accepted to another German institute of higher education (University, Fachhochschule, etc.) before. Enter your earliest acceptance date. Otherwise leave the field blank.

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