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Enter data for doctoral candidiates (DOC502)

Enter data for doctoral candidates (DOC502)

  • Log in to HISinOne. Please only use the URL, otherwise the print view of the doctoral application will not work.
  • Start by creating a new request under „Service“ → „Requests“ → „Doctorate“.
  • The window „Create new request“ will appear.

Enter and edit your request

  • A new window „Select reason for request“ opens. Click on the drop-down menu and choose the faculty where you plan to do your doctoral studies.


  • Enter the basic details of your desired doctorate here.
  1. The field Doctoral Subject will appear. In the Subject field, enter the doctoral subject agreed upon with your first supervisor. It will appear via the typeahead function or the suggest function. Alternatively, you can click on the blue arrow to the right of the search field. A new tab with a search mask for your doctoral subject will appear.
  2. Enter the Working Title of (your) Dissertation that you plan to take part in and that you agreed upon with your doctoral supervisor.
  3. Please enter the Desired Academic Degree that is planned to be given to you after you have successfully graduated.
  4. Choose the Type of Doctorate. Is the right to confer the doctorate based in Germany, in another country or are you part of a cooperation?.

Structured Doctoral Program

If you are taking part in a structured doctoral program, please enter this information here.

  • Enter your Doctoral Program as agreed upon with your doctoral supervisor. It will appear via the typeahead function or the suggest function.


  • Here you can provide information about the supervision of your doctorate.
  1. Please enter your doctoral supervisor in the field Main Supervisor. Only enter the name of your first supervisor. It will appear through the typeahead or suggest function. Alternatively, you can search for your doctoral supervisor via the blue arrow.
  2. Choose „Yes“ if this person is your first supervisor.
  3. Enter the date when you have signed the Supervision agreement for the supervision.

If you cannot find your supervisor, you can select „Supervisor not found“ and enter your responsible supervisor in the comment field at the end of DOC502.

First enrollment

  • Enter the information to your first enrollment at a university (e.g. school leaving certificate).
    1. Select the country in which you enrolled for the first time.
    2. If you selected Germany, enter your first university.
    3. Choose whether your first semester was a summer semester (April - September) or a winter semester (October - March).
    4. Choose the year in which you enrolled at a university for the first time.

Note for trimester or spring/fall semester:
If your university had trimester or spring/fall semester, look at your matriculation date. If it is in the summer semester, select the summer semester. If your matriculation date is in the winter semester, select then the winter semester.

First registration

  • Choose the date of your first registration as a doctoral candidate in Germany, if you have ever been formally accepted to another German institute of higher education (University, Fachhochschule, etc.) before. Enter your earliest acceptance date. Otherwise leave the field blank.

Final Examination that qualifies for a Doctorate

  • If one or more of your degrees are recorded in the system, or maybe you finished your Master at the University of Freiburg, they should be displayed here under degree qualifying for doctoral studies.
  1. Select the country in which you received your degree qualifying you for doctoral studies.
  2. Select the name of (your) university when you selected Germany in 1.
  3. Enter the date of the official final exam for your degree. If this date is not available, the date of the examination certificate can be used.
  4. Choose the status of your degree („passed“).
  5. Enter the term (exam period) of your graduation (summer semester (April-September) or winter semester (October-March)).
  6. Enter the year of your graduation (e.g. if your exam was in February 2022 please enter winter semester 2021.)
  7. The information on your ECTS-Grade is optional.
  8. The information on your final grade is optional.

Please leave this section blank if you are doing your doctorate alongside studies for either Dr. med. or Dr. med. dent.

  • Course of study for this exam
  1. Select your degree upon graduation, meaning the title or the type of your final degree. This might be „Master an Unis Abschlussprfg. vorausgesetzt“.
  2. Select the form of your study that enables you to do the doctoral research, e.g. „consecutive Master“.
  3. Enter the subject studied that qualifies you for your doctoral studies.
  4. Please choose once more, whether your graduation was within a summer or a winter semester (April-September or October-March).
  5. Enter once more the year of your graduation.

Information about employment at our university

  • In this section you can give information about your employment at the Albert-Ludwigs-University (UFR).
  1. Are you currently employed at the UFR or will you be employed in the future? Than please choose „Yes“.
  2. If you wish, please enter the first day of your employment at the UFR according to your contract.
  3. If you might already know, when your employment contract will end, you can enter this date here.

Attach verification documents

  • Upload the required verifications/documents here. The fields marked with * are mandatory. Please use the format jpg, png or pdf.

Note for verification documents:
For a successful upload, please pay attention to the following three file properties:
(1) file format: pdf; (2) maximum file size: 5MB, (3) number of files: max. 3 files per upload field.

Comment for request

  • If there is something else that we should know about your application, please write it in the comment field.

  1. Once you have carefully checked the correctness of all the data please confirm with a click at the end of the document.
  2. After checking the box of the correctness of your data, the button 'Submit request' will show up. With one click you submit your application for your doctoral studies.

After sending the form, it is no longer possible to make changes or corrections.

  • You have made all the required steps and will receive a confirmation from the system!

Where can I see my submitted requests?

  1. Under 'Service → Requests → Doctorate'
  2. See 'My submitted requests' anytime.

Please note: The English print-out is only for your information. Finally, for the hand-in at your faculty, you need to use the German version of your request.

Q & A

  • Q: I cannot find my supervisor. What should I do?
  • A: Go to „Subject“ to the dropdown „Doctoral supervisor“ and enter the name of your supervisor. The typeahead function will help you to find your result. If you are not successful you can start a more detailed search by clicking on the blue arrow. If you could still not find your supervisor in the list, please choose through the typeahead or suggest function „Supervisor not found“.

  • Q: When does the summer- and when does the winter semester take place?
  • A: The summer semester is always from April to September. The winter semester goes always from October to March.

  • Q: Do I have to enter a date for the first enrollment as a student at a German higher education institution?
  • A: You have to enter a date for your first enrollment as a student for doctoral studies only if you have ever been formally enrolled at another German institute of higher education as a doctoral student. Then please note the earlier enrollment date. Otherwise you don´t have to enter anything for the „first enrollment“ as a doctoral student in Germany.

  • Q: What is a degree qualifying for doctoral studies?
  • A: The degree qualifying you for your doctoral studies is an earlier passed exam that qualifies you for the doctoral studies; a certificate of your first university entrance qualification (e.g. school leaving certificate). This might be a master´s degree, a diploma or maybe a state examination.

  • Q: When do I have to enter data about a previous study (degree program)?
  • A: A previous study or a degree program only needs to be entered if you do not have a degree in HISinOne that qualifies you for doctoral studies yet.

  • Q: I have an important modification in my already sent request. What can I do?
  • A: If there are important reasons for further changes in your already sent request, please contact the Campus Management Team by opening a ticket ( or for subject-specific modifications please approach your contact partner at the faculty (

  • Q: Where can I find the requests that I have already handed-in?
  • A: The handed-in applications are available at: „Service“ → „Requests“ → „Doctorate“ → „My submitted requests“

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