Wiki der Abteilung Campus Management

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How to register for courses

  • Use the study planning tool and the option to search for specific courses!
  • HIS-LSF offered the university calendar as central instrument for registering for courses and for informing oneself about the courses offered. HISinOne offers new tools and possibilities.
  • More information to follow …

A good introduction (in German) can currently be found on the website of the faculty of engineering:

  • Introduction (focus on micro-system engineering, but relevant also for other programs of study): Instructions for online registration. We specifically recommend the following sections: „Veranstaltung belegen über den Studienplaner“ and „Veranstaltung suchen über die Suchmaske / Suchmaske konfigurieren“
  • Information on registration process according to program of study: Registration according to program of study

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