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Course | How to enroll for courses

Course registration

The Course Catalog for SS 2015 has been switched to new Campus Management System HISinOne. The course registration is therefore also administered in HISinOne.

(Note: For the time being the exam registration will remain in the former system Campus Management LSF for most students. For more information see

Details on how to work with the course catalog in HISinOne can be found here (in German).

Deadlines for course registration

Please inform yourself about the deadlines for course registration via your faculty/department. The course registration in HISinOne will start approx. in February 2015.

In future, you may check registration deadlines for a course directly in HISinOne. You will need to sign in to the HISinOne portal and open the course description (Detailansicht).

Manual by the Faculty of Engineering

A good introduction (in German) can currently be found on the website of the faculty of engineering:

  • Introduction (focus on micro-system engineering, but relevant also for other programs of study): Instructions for online registration. We specifically recommend the following sections: „Veranstaltung belegen über den Studienplaner“ and „Veranstaltung suchen über die Suchmaske / Suchmaske konfigurieren“
  • Information on registration process according to program of study: Registration according to program of study

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