Wiki der Abteilung Campus Management

Bibliografische Details für "Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine"

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Zitatstile für "Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine"


Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine. (2020, Jan 3). In Campusmanagement. Abgefragt 13:01, April 26, 2024, von


Anonymous Contributors. "Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine". Campusmanagement. 3 Jan. 2020. Web. 26 Apr. 2024, 13:01


Anonymous Contributors, 'Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine', Campusmanagement, 3 January 2020, 16:54 GMT, <> [Abgerufen 26 April 2024]


Anonymous Contributors, "Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine", Campusmanagement, (Abgerufen April 26, 2024).


Anonymous Contributors. Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine [Internet]. Campusmanagement; 2020 Jan 3, 16:54 GMT [Zitiert 2024 Apr 26]. Verfügbar auf:


Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine, (Zuletzt besucht April 26, 2024).


Anonymous Contributors. Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine. Campusmanagement. January 3, 2020, 16:54 GMT. Verfügbar auf: Abgerufen April 26, 2024.


 @misc{ wiki:xxx,
   author = "Anonymous Contributors",
   title = "Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine --- Campusmanagement",
   year = "2020",
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   note = "[Online; accessed 26-April-2024]"

Bei Benutzung der LaTeX-Paketes „url“ (\usepackage{url} im Bereich der Einleitung), welches eine schöner formatierte Internetadresse ausgibt, oder „hyperref“ (\usepackage{hyperref}, nur bei Erzeugung von PDF-Dokumenten), welches diese zusätzlich noch verlinkt, kann die folgende Ausgabe genommen werden:

 @misc{ wiki:xxx,
   author = "Anonymous Contributors",
   title = "Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine --- Campusmanagement",
   year = "2020",
   url = "\url{}",
   note = "[Online; accessed 26-April-2024]"

   author = "Anonymous Contributors",
   title = "Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine --- Campusmanagement",
   year = "2020",
   url = "\url{}",
   note = "[Online; accessed 26-April-2024]"

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[[hisinone:promotionsinteresse:annahmeantrag_rewi_med_en|Application for admission as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine]] ([[hisinone:promotionsinteresse:annahmeantrag_rewi_med_en?rev=1578070473|Diese Version]])
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