Wiki der Abteilung Campus Management


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hisinone:studieren:zielgruppen_en [2015/08/07 11:43] es1038hisinone:studieren:zielgruppen_en [2022/09/21 09:43] (aktuell) yl1032
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== * General | Which Programs of Study Use HISinOne? ======+====== Which Programs of Study Use HISinOne? ====== 
 +>>German Version: [[hisinone:studieren:zielgruppen|Allgemein | Für welche Studierenden ist das System HISinOne relevant?]]
-<note warning>On 19.01.2015 the course catalog for Summer Term 2015 has been switched to the new campus management system "HISinOne". During the introduction period of HISinOne the University is operating two portals simultaneously. More information about which functionalities you will now find in which system are listed here: </note>+The administration of all students and all study programs at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg is carried out via the [[|Campus Management System HISinOne]].
-{{section>:hisinone:studieren:zielgruppen#fachuebersicht&noheader}}+The predecessor system HIS-POS/LSF was finally taken offline on June 30, 2022 and has since then only been available to a very limited group of people (essentiallyexamination offices).
 +The few students in higher semesters and usually already with a submitted thesis would be supported in the old system till graduation. Detailed information can be obtained from the responsible examination office.
 {{tag>studieren_englisch}} {{tag>studieren_englisch}}

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