====== MacBook Pro M1 ====== ==== Requirements ==== * Hostname: qos005 * IP-Adress: * MAC-Adress: 00:e0:4c:d3:09:c9 * User Name: Dominik Lentrodt * E-Mail: dominik.lentrodt@physik.uni-freiburg.de * Account Name: dominik * Inventarnummer: 7302148800 * Inventaraufkleber: ok * Leiferschein: ok ==== Specs ==== MacBook Pro M1\\ Apple M1 8-core CPU\\ 16 GB LPDDR-3 RAM\\ 500 GB NVMe SSD\\ 13,3" Display MacOS Monterey\\ Version 12.1 ==== Basic Setup ==== Die Basiskonfiguration muss nur bei neuen MacOSX-Rechner/Laptos\\ oder nach dem Zurücksetzen auf die Werkseinstellungen erfolgen. Language: English Select Your Country or Region: Deutschland Written and Spoken Languages Prefered languages: English (Germany) Input Soruces: German Dictation: English (United Kingdom) Accessibility Select Your Wi-Fi Network: Are you sure yo don't want to set up Wi-Fi? Data & Privacy Migration Assistant: Terms and Conditions: I have read and agree to ... Create a Computer Account Full name: Admin Account name: admin Password: Hint: Enable Location Services [ ] Enable Location Services on this Mac Are you sure ...? Select Your Time Zone Berlin - Germany Analystics [ ] Share Mac Analytics with Apple [ ] Share crash and ... Screen Time Siri [ ] Enable Ask Siri Touch ID Are you sure ...? Choose Your Look Light ==== Networking ==== * Infoblox Eintrag für MAC-Adresse * IP via DHCP beziehen * Sharing settings: Apple Menu | System Preferences | Sharing Computer Name: qos005 [+] Screen Sharing [+] Anyone my request permission to control screen [+] Remote Login [+] AirPlay Receiver * Disable Firewall: Apple Menu | System Preferences | Security & Privacy | Firewall Firewall: Off ==== System Update === * Perform System Update * Software Update configuration:Apple Menu | System Preferences | Software Update | Advanced [+] Check for updates [+] Download new updates when available [ ] Install macOS updates [+] Install app updates from the App Store -- [+] Install system data files and security updates ==== root-User ==== Apple Menu | System Preferences | Users & Groups | Login Options | Network Account Server: | | | | Password: ==== DFN-Certificates ==== - Zertifikate herunterladen unter: https://pki.pca.dfn.de/dfn-ca-global-g2/cgi-bin/pub/pki - Wurzelzertifikat - DFN-PCA-Zertifikat - DFN-CA Global G2 Zertifikat - Finder | Downloads | | - Keychain: System | - die drei Zertifikate unter Downloads können nach dem Hinzufügen gelöscht werden ==== Authorized Keys ==== su - root scp ltspmaster.physik.privat:.ssh/authorized* ~/.ssh ==== checkmk Integration ==== * Rechner in checkmk einrichten * login auf ltspmaster und Verteilen von Source und Konfigurationsdateien DistAgent DistMasterfilesOSX für * FreeFileSync eingerichtet * FOG-Client installiert * Sophos-Installationssoftware hinkopiert ==== Homebrew installation ==== su - admin /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/admin/.zprofile eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" brew install coreutils === FileVault activation === Apple Menu | System Preferences... | Security & Privacy Put Recovery Key in Keepass\\ Der Key liegt aktuell noch in meinem persönlichen (mbeh) Keepass === User Setup === System Preferences | Users & Groups | | <+> New Account: Administrator Full Name: Dominik Lentrodt Account Name: dominik Password: Password hint: ==== Software ==== === Sophos === su - root cd /Users/Sophos-Endpoint-osx/Sophos\ Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/tools sudo ./InstallationDeployer --install Allow Sophos "Full Disk Access" Apple Menu | System Preferences... | Securtiy & Privacy Full Disk Access === Thunderbird === Browser: https://thunderbird.net | Downloads | | Thunderbird*.dmg | Applications | Thunderbird-Icon Thunderbird*.dmg | === Mathematica === Browser: http://www.software.physik.uni-freiburg.de/Mathematica/Mathematica_12.3.1_MAC.dmg Downloads | | Mathematica_12.3.1_MAC.dmg Applications | Mathematica_12.3.1_MAC WolframScript.pkg * Mathematica Lizenz in Wolfram User Portal zugewiesen * Mathematica auf dem MacBook für den Benutzer aktiviert Der Lizenzschlüssel liegt aktuell noch in meinem persönlichen (mbeh) Keepass === Time Machine === TM Backup Apple | System Preferences | Time Machine | [+] Encrypt backup Backup password: **** Verify password: **** Password hint: keepass Put Password for Time Machine Backup in Keepass\\ Das Passwort liegt aktuell noch in meinem persönlichen (mbeh) Keepass see: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201250 === Free File Sync === :TO-DO: ==== Garantie Prüfen ==== | | Serial Nubmer: