
TSM Kommandozeile Überblick



dsmc query backup '/data/*'

Back up and archive

dsmc incr
dsmc archive "/scratch/anna/*" -subdir=yes -description="Describe this archiving"

Restore and retrieve

The restore command works with files that have been backed up, retrieve works with files that have been archived. Otherwise the command and options are pretty much the same.

dsmc restore "/data/*" -su=yes

„-su“ stands for subdirectories.

dsmc restore "/data/*" /different/location/ -su=yes

The „/“ at end of the new location is mandatory.

Restore older (inactive) files or folders

dsmc restore -inactive -pick -su=yes '/data/dir*' /different/location/ 

A window will open with the older files or folders numbered;choose the number of the file you want to restore and press enter; confirm by typing o (stands for ok) and press enter again, the files will be restored in the chosen location

Delete files from backup and archive

The commands are:

dsmc delete backup ...
dsmc delete archive ...

The other specifications are the same as with backup, archive, restore and retrieve.

Restartable restore sessions

dsmc query restore
dsmc restart restore

Choose for the list of restore sessions displayed.

dsmc cancel restore

Choose for the list of restore sessions displayed.


dsmc set access backup "*" TOP*.PHYSIK.UNI-FREIBURG.DE root
dmsc query access
dmsc delete access

A list of access rules is shown and the user selects which one to delete.




„No“ is the default and means TSM will automatically wait for the tape to be mounted. „Yes“ means TSM will ask the user whether to wait or not.


The possibilities are: