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Condor - Job Queue System

General information

Look at the Condor User's Manual for an introduction to how to work with Condor. You can also check out the FAQs.

An online overview of the current workload and the workload history can be found at:


Requirements, Rank, ClassAds

The Condor system distributes jobs among the group's computers. It is possible to influence the queue system by means of two options.

  • Requirements
  • Rank

The administrator sets these options in the system configuration, and the user can set them in his submit scripts.

These options are explained here and here

In addition, ClassAds („classified ads“) play an important role. Machines use ClassAds to advertise what kind of resources they offer. A job uses ClassAds to specify what resources it requires to run. The Condor documentation includes a detailed description of ClassAds.

Die documentation contains an example of how to use Requirements and Rank. Some of the useful ClassAds include:

  • Machine
  • Memory
  • Mips
  • Kflops

NOTE: Condor is capable of keeping track of the load on a computer due to non-Condor jobs and due to interactive work on the computer.

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