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Screen sharing

Sometimes it is helpful to be able to share your screen with somebody, for example if you need the system administrator's help for something and he's too lazy to come visit your room. ;-) Since the standard screen sharing program available in Debian doesn't seem to work on our systems, your friendly system administrator has set up a quick, easy to use, one-time way to share your screen.

In order to share your screen with somebody:

  • Get the other person on the telephone, ready to start his VNC client
  • In a terminal window type in:
  • In the text that now appears you will see a password. Tell this password to the other person.
  • Now the other person can start his VNC client.
    • On a Mac, press CMD-K in the Finder and enter:
  • You will now see a popup window asking for permission for the other person to connect. Click on „yes“ or just type „y“.
  • Now the other person can type in the password you told him.
  • You will get another popup window asking for permission. Again, click „yes“ or type „y“.
  • The other person can now see your screen, move your mouse and type

:!: Please be sure to end the session so nobody else can try to gain access to your screen. To end the session you can type CTRL-C in the terminal.

QR-Code Screen sharing (erstellt für aktuelle Seite)