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Beispiel ~/.ssh/config für Zugang zu PCs im privaten Subnetz

User wyneken
      ForwardX11 yes
      ForwardAgent yes

User root
      ForwardX11 yes
      ForwardAgent yes

# Private netzer via khedira
# You can log in as root using:
#   ssh -l root netzer
Host netzer
     User wyneken
     Hostname netzer.physik.privat
#     Hostname
     ProxyCommand ssh khedira.physik.uni-freiburg.de -W %h:%p 

# Private netzer via RZ
Host netzer-rz
     User wyneken
     Hostname netzer.physik.privat
#     Hostname
     ProxyCommand ssh login.uni-freiburg.de -W %h:%p 

# Root on private netzer
# I actually expect the "User root" to result in us logging in as root
# on netzer, but for some reason this doesn't work.
# Instead use -l on the command line:
#   ssh -l root netzer-r
Host netzer-r
     User root
     Hostname netzer.physik.privat
     ProxyCommand ssh -l root khedira.physik.uni-freiburg.de -W %h:%p

# Hosts of the from klose/p meaning klose.physik.privat
Host */p
     User wyneken
     Hostname "$(dirname %h).physik.privat"
#     ProxyCommand ssh -W "$(dirname %h).physik.privat:%p"  khedira.physik.uni-freiburg.de
     ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p  khedira.physik.uni-freiburg.de

# Hosts jump/goal: Login to "goal" by way of "jump"
Host */*
   ProxyCommand ssh %r@$(dirname %h) -W $(basename %h):%p

# General sample
# "Host" can be anything, not necessarily the host name.
# "User" is the username. Must be same on the jump and target host.
# "Hostname" is any name that can be resolved on the jump host,
#     i.e. .physik.uni-freiburg.de possibly not necessary.
Host test    	   	 	     
  User wyneken      	 	     
  HostName netzer.physik.privat      
  ProxyCommand ssh login.uni-freiburg.de -W %h:%p

QR-Code Beispiel ~/.ssh/config für Zugang zu PCs im privaten Subnetz (erstellt für aktuelle Seite)