As of Version 0.2 this is not needed anymore. Students should automatically become a member of the module communities for the modules they registered at the universities systems.
For historical reasons we keep the information below.
It is still possible though not recommended, since the username and password can be easily distributed (making the password-protection useless).
Follow these steps to get the functionality back:
(Re-)Set the permissions for all Filetypes to „Community“ only.
Create a useraccount in the Electures-Portal with your desired username and password.
Put this useraccount in the group/community for this modul. This enables this account to download all materials from this modul.
Note that everyone that has access to the newly created account is able to change its password, etc.
This can be prevented by an administrator by setting a password policy that doesn't allow changing the password.
Please note: This is NOT RECOMMENDED and might result in deletion of the created account.