Uploading files

To upload files there are two possibilities: Either you upload the files directly to the filesystem (recommended especially for large files) or you upload them via the upload-applet.

When you upload the files directly to the filesystem (either via smb, nfs or scp) make sure that you put the files in the correct directory that you specified for this filetype. Else you will not be able to add them to the Electure later.

To upload the Files via the Upload Applet, edit the corresponding electure and click on „Upload Files“ . You will be shown the following form:

Form to choose the filetype to upload files.

Then choose the filetype from the list and click on „continue“. An Upload Applet (at least Java 1.6 is required) will load where you will be able to upload files of the chosen filetype to the server. To upload files of a different filetype, go back and choose another filetype.

Upload Applet (german language screenshot).

The upper left button lets you select files from your harddisk and the lower left button then uploads the listed files to the server. You can upload Files including folders by just selecting a folder. Then this folder including all contained files that match the current filetypes extension will be selected and the corresponding folders will be created serverside. Especially when you upload flash files make sure that you include the folder, else other files might get overwritten.