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talk:proxy [2011/08/25 09:31] – angelegt yz1000talk:proxy [2011/09/23 12:02] (aktuell) mawa
Zeile 2: Zeile 2:
 What are the preferred settings for Linux software that does not support WPAD? Is proxy.ruf.uni-freiburg.de:80 still the right address to use?  --- //[[wiki:user:yz1000|yz1000]] 2011/08/25 09:29// What are the preferred settings for Linux software that does not support WPAD? Is proxy.ruf.uni-freiburg.de:80 still the right address to use?  --- //[[wiki:user:yz1000|yz1000]] 2011/08/25 09:29//
 +Please use:
 +  export ftp_proxy=http://proxy.uni-freiburg.de:8080/
 +  export http_proxy=http://proxy.uni-freiburg.de:8080/
 +  export https_proxy=http://proxy.uni-freiburg.de:8080/
 +  export no_proxy="localhost,, .uni-freiburg.de, .privat, 10., 132.230."
 +  export SOCKS_SERVER=proxy.uni-freiburg.de:1080
QR-Code Settings for systems that do not support WPAD (erstellt für aktuelle Seite)