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hisinone:studieren:persoenlicher_stundenplan_anzeigen_en [2019/02/18 15:33] es1038hisinone:studieren:persoenlicher_stundenplan_anzeigen_en [2022/07/01 14:43] – [Pre-booking of courses for schedule] es1038
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Personal timetable | pre-booking courses ====== +====== Schedule and pre-booking of courses for schedule ====== 
->>German Version: [[hisinone:studieren:persoenlicher_stundenplan_anzeigen|Persönlicher Stundenplan | Veranstaltungen vormerken]]+>>German Version: [[hisinone:studieren:persoenlicher_stundenplan_anzeigen|Stundenplan | Veranstaltungen für Stundenplan vormerken]]
-{{:hisinone:studieren:stundenplan_en.png|}}+<WRAP left round box 40%> 
 +'My Studies' -> 'Schedule'Here you can see 
 +  * saved and booked courses, if dates are already available 
 +  * dates of the registered examinations (graded/non-graded), if already available  
 +  * possible scheduling conflicts
-"My Studies" -> "Schedule"Timetable for students.+HINTAfter the course catalog is made public and courses are bookable, you can start planning your semester. You can save courses in your schedule and book courses during the respective booking period. Please note that the faculties and institutions publish the courses´ dates at different times. Please contact the respective faculty/institution to receive more information.
-  - In order to pre-book courses, log in to [[]], search for the desired course via [[hisinone:studieren:studienplaner|the tool for planning your studies]] or the [[hisinone:studieren:vvz|course catalog]] and choose the magnifying glass symbol. \\ \\ {{:pre-booking.png|}} \\ \\ +<note tip>**Video tutorial for Planner Of Studies & Schedule <German Version> \\ {{:hisinone:studieren:studienplaner_ersti_tag.mp4|STUDIENPLANERWie finden und belegen Sie Veranstaltungendie zu Ihrem Studiengang gehören}}**</note>
-  - Details about the course will be displaced. Select  "pre-booking." \\ \\ {{:pre-booking02.png|}} \\ \\ +
-  - You can now have your pre-booked course displayed in your timetable. Choose "My Studies" -"Schedule".  +
-  - You will first reach an overview for the current week. \\ (1) You can choose the term view in order to also see bi-weekly courses, block courses or courses during the term break. \\ (2) Afterwards, you need to update the display. \\ \\ {{:pre-booking04.png|}} \\ \\ +
-  - This will take you to a term timetable in table form. \\ (1) By clicking on the magnifying glass, you can access course details. \\ (2) 'Status' shows whether a course has been booked or pre-booked. \\ (3) Potential overlaps will also be visible. \\ (4) You can also generate your timetable as a PDF and download it or print it. \\ \\ {{:pre-booking05.png|}} \\ \\ +
-  - In order to delete pre-booked courses from your timetableselect the magnifying symbol and then select "cancel pre-booking." \\ \\ {{:pre-booking06.png|}}+
 +<WRAP left round box 40%>
 +**Also helpful**
 +  * [[hisinone:studieren:studienplaner_en|Planner Of Studies | Overview]]
 +  * [[hisinone:studieren:belegen_en|Planner Of Studies | How to enroll for courses]]
 +  * [[hisinone:studieren:pruefung_en|How to enroll for examinations and non-graded works]]
 +===== Schedule =====
 +  * Pre-booked as well as enrolled courses can be found under 'My Studies' → 'Schedule'.
 +  * Initially, the current week will be displayed.
 +  - You may switch to another semester
 +  - or also from 'Week choice' to 'term view' to see all events, examinations and work during that semester. 
 +  - 'More display options´ allows you to, among other things, set the calendar to include Saturday and Sunday.
 +  - Under ´Export data for calendars (ics)´, you can export the events to your calendar.
 +  - Please note the legend at the bottom of the page.
 +  - By clicking on any of the days, you can make the view larger and by clicking on it again, you will return to the weekly view.
 +  - By moving your mouse over a course/examination/other work, you can see the details in an easily legible form. Clicking on the title leads you to the detail view.
 +  - Choosing ´Status´ allows you to see if you have saved or booked the course (including booking status), registered for non-graded work or if registration for an exam was successful. \\ \\ {{:hisinone:studieren:stundenplan_en.png|}} \\ \\
 +===== Pre-booking of courses for schedule =====
 +  - To save a course, search for a desired course through 'Search for courses', 'Show university course catalog' or the 'Planner Of Studies' and click on the magnifying glass symbol to reach the detail view. 
 +  - On the detail view page, click on the 'Groups / Appointments' tab and then select 'Save in schedule'.
 +  - To remove courses from your schedule, select 'Cancel pre-booking' on the detail view page (at the same location as 'Save in schedule'). \\ \\ {{:hisinone:studieren:stundenplan2_en.png?direct|}} \\ 
 +{{tag>studieren_englisch vorlaeufig_studieren_englisch veranstaltungen}}

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