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Different account types for university applications and enrolled students

Deutsche Version: Unterschiedliche Accounttypen für Studienplatzbewerbung und Immatrikulierte

The IT systems of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität work partly purely account based (e.g. the e-learning platform ILIAS), partly role based with the core concept „person“, where one person can have several accounts (e.g. HISinOne). All systems together require the login with an account for many functions. Rights in the system are then determined by the account type or the currently selected role.

Normally (future) students get

  • first an application account (typically firstname.lastname) through your own registration in HISinOne
  • then with the enrollment a university account (typically xy1234) of the type „student
  • which can still be used with limited rights for 60 days after exmatriculation at the end of the study program.

Special situation Corona 2020/21:

  • Students whose matriculation has not yet been completed are temporarily given an interim account with the account type „Otherwise,“ which can be used for a limited period of time. Guest student“ account type, if requested by the faculty or teachers at the RZ.
  • Accounts of exmatriculated students can be used for 120 days (instead of 60 days)

Differences between the accounts

OverviewApplication AccountIntermediate Account „Corona“UniAccount „Student“UniAccount exmatr. Student*in
recognizable in account nametypical firstname.surnametypical xy1234typical xy1234identical with former UniAccount „Student“
Account type display in myAccountno login to myAccount possibleother. guest studentstudent< will be added>
Registration possible inHISinOneHISinOne, ILIAS, DocataAll systems of the university (HISinOne, ILIAS, Docata, E-Mail, bwLehrpool, …) and worldwide eduroam and VPN (with separate password)< will be added>
validityfor the duration of the application phase plus 14 days after matriculationmostly only a few weeksfrom matriculation to de-registrationup to 60 days after de-registration (Corona 120 days)
Password change in HISinOnemyAccountmyAccountmyAccount

Further information on login problems: [[faq:login problems|Login problems?]

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