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Different account types for university applications and enrolled students

The most important systems for the start of studies that require an account

Due to the corona pandemic, large parts of your studies can currently only be conducted digitally. A personal account is required to access the electronic systems. At the beginning of your studies the following systems are particularly relevant:

MyAccountAccess to IT: Setup and administration of the Uni-Account, WLAN: eduroam access and administration, setup Uni-e-mailbox, printer account
Campus Management HISinOneApplication for a study place and Organize studies: course catalog (VVZ), study planner, event allocation, exam registration, account data, re-registration, …
Learning platform ILIASE-Learning: online course materials, interactive communication, connection to online conference systems, digital exercises, …
University Library|Access to electronically available literature

The IT systems of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität work partly purely account based (e.g. the e-learning platform ILIAS), partly role based with the core concept „person“, where one person can have several accounts (e.g. HISinOne). All systems together require the login with one account for many functions. Rights in the system are then determined by the account type or the currently selected role.

The most important accounts at the beginning

Application account (typically first name.last name)

The campus management system HISinOne is the central system for applying for a study place and applying for enrollment. Almost all applicant groups register themselves in the system and thus create an application account in the campus management system. The application account is only valid in HISinOne and has no function after your admission or enrolment (still valid for a transition period of 14 days after enrolment, but does not allow a change of role from „Studienplatzbewerbung“ to „Studieren“)

Uni-Account "Student" (typically xy1234)

After your enrolment you will receive a Uni-Account with the status „student“ within a period of eight hours. With this account you can register on all relevant university systems in the current semester. After you have successfully re-registered for the next semester, the account will be automatically renewed and remains your personal access key. After ematriculation at the end of your studies, the account can be used for another 60 days with restricted rights (currently 120 days due to Corona).

Differences between the accounts

Account Typical Password change in Login possible in Validity Account type display in myAccount
Application Account firstname.surname HISinOne HISinOne for the duration of the application phase until enrollment plus 14 days after enrollment no registration possible in myAccount
UniAccount „Student „ xy1234 myAccount All systems of the university (HISinOne, ILIAS, Docata, E-Mail, bwLehrpool, UB, …) and worldwide eduroam and VPN (with separate password) From enrollment to de-enrollment Student
University account exmatr. student*in identical with previous UniAccount „Student“ myAccount <will be supplemented> up to 60 days after exmatriculation (Corona 120 days) <will be supplemented>

Further information on login problems: Login problems?

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