Wiki der Arbeitsgruppe Dittmaier
Theorie der Elementarteilchen und Quantenfeldtheorie
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⇐ Inhalt in Menüleiste links ⇐
Wer etwas rumprobieren will, bevor ein richtiger Beitrag eingegeben werden soll, kann sich auf der Spielwiese (⇐ Menüleiste) austoben.
Tipps, wie man neue Seiten kreiert
Es gibt eine ausführliche Beschreibung, aber hier die highlights daraus:
Create a new link
- Simply create a link from an existing page to a non-existing page, follow this link, and click on
Create this page
(on the top left in the default template).
- This is the most common and recommended way. It ensures all your pages are linked together correctly and you don't create anywhere.
- There's also a screencast explaining it in detail available.
- There are also several alternative ways to create new pages described in the link above but please heed the following warning:
WARNING: Make sure you properly link your newly created page from other pages, when using one of the alternative methods. Otherwise it is possible that no-one will be able to find your page. (Though these pages may still be found by the index feature or through the search engine.)