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Omnibus Website

Login via ssh as follows:

ssh uname@login.uni-freiburg.de
cd /home/omnibus/UserID

URL will be


More information can be found here: RZ Wiki

Prevent Directory Listing

The default setting of the omnibus server has the directory listing option turned on. This means that the contents of a directory will be displayed in case there does not exist a default page in the directory (typically the „index.html“ file). There are different possibilities to prevent this:

  1. Just place a dummy „index.html“ file in the directory and it will be displayed instead of the directory listing.
  2. Create a file „.htacces“ and insert the line
    Options -Indexes

    This will disable the directory listing in the directory where this file is placed and in all subdirectories. If you therefore want this feature disabled on all your omnibus directories place it in the „public_html“ folder. A „.htaccess“ file in a subdirectory with the line

    Options +Indexes

    will again enable the feature. Browsing to a directory without an index.html will in this case throw an Error 403.

  3. Create a file „.htacces“ and insert the line
    IndexIgnore *

    This will ignore all files in the directory listing, hence, will give an empty list (and no access error). If you only want to exclude specific file types from the directory listing it wold look something like this

    IndexIgnore *jpg *tar

    Again, this setting affects the directory where this file is placed and all subdirectories.

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