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Seminar on Special Topics in Particle Physics

We will share knowledge about special topics which are interesting for all of us and we have specialists among ourselves.

  1. 16.10.14: Unstable particles - Stefan
  2. ??: Cutkosky rules- Michele
  3. 29.1.15: Photon Fragmentation functions- Markus
  4. 26.2.15: BRST symmetry- Christian
  5. 12.3.15: Large-mass expansion- Lukas
  6. 26.3.15: Numerical NLO method- Christopher
  7. 9.4.15: Mass renormalization (Heidi)
  8. 23.4.15: Higgs EFT (Martin)

QR-Code Seminar on Special Topics in Particle Physics (erstellt für aktuelle Seite)