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Mögliche Parameter für das XSLT-Stylesheet für die Einbindung der Forschungsdatenbank mittels PHP

// Language settings
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('language', 'E');
$fdb->setXsltParameter('language', 'D');
// Enables Javascript enhancements, can be one of 'true' or 'false', defaults to 'true'
$fdb->setXsltParameter('enable_javascript', 'true');
// Enables an additional heading per category (projects, employees, ...) if you want to output the whole 'Forschungsbericht'
// defaults to 'false'
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('enable_type_headings', 'true');
$fdb->setXsltParameter('enable_type_headings', 'false');
// Display the phone/fax prefix before the list of employees (true, false, defaults to true)
$fdb->setXsltParameter('display_phone_fax_prefix', 'true');
// How the publications list will be displayed
// One of 'publications_grouped_type', 'publications_list_alltypes', 'publications_grouped_keywords'
$fdb->setXsltParameter('publications_listing', 'publications_list_alltypes');
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('publications_listing', 'publications_grouped_type');
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('publications_listing', 'publications_grouped_keywords');
// enable (true) or disable (false) linking of publication title, default true
$fdb->setXsltParameter('enable_publications_link_title', 'true');
// Enables a toc for all functions, enable for grouped_function, see below
$fdb->setXsltParameter('enable_toc', 'true');
// Display a "back to the top" link below headings (true, false) defaults to false
$fdb->setXsltParameter('enable_totop_backlink', 'false');
// How the employees listing will be displayed
// Can be one of "alphabetical, alphabetical_chair, grouped_function, grouped_chair_function"
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('employees_listing', 'alphabetical');
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('employees_listing', 'alphabetical_chair');
$fdb->setXsltParameter('employees_listing', 'grouped_function');
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('employees_listing', 'grouped_chair_function');
// Display an Image in the employees list?
$fdb->setXsltParameter('employees_image', 'false');
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('employees_image', 'true');
// Display consultation hours in the employee list when image is enabled? true/false, defaults to true
$fdb->setXsltParameter('consultation_hours', 'true');
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('consultation_hours', 'false');
// On which side should the image float?
// one of 'right' or 'left' makes the image appear on the left or on the right in the listings, defaults to left
// $fdb->setXsltParameter('image_float', 'right');
$fdb->setXsltParameter('image_float', 'left');
// Image sizes
// Image width for project images in px, defaults to '150'
$fdb->setXsltParameter('image_width_project', '150');
// Image width for employees images in px, defaults to '75'
$fdb->setXsltParameter('image_width_employee', '75');

Alle Parameter auf einmal setzen

Möchte man alle Xslt oder FDB-Parameter auf einmal setzen, ist das mit entsprechenden Methoden möglich.

ACHTUNG: Das *ersetzt* alle bisher vorhandenen Parameter.

$xslt_parameters_array = array(
  'employees_image' => 'true',
  'image_width_employee' => '75',
  'image_float' => 'left'

Genauso für die Parameter der FDB:

$fdb_parameters_array = array(
    'Kostenstelle' => '110113',
    'Ausgabeart' => 'xml',
    'Dokumentart' => 'Publikation',
    'Jahr' => 'alle'
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