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Application for admission as a doctoral candidate - Step by step

General note: You can find more information on the IGA homepage, e.g. about how to act when you are interested in pursuing a doctorate or how to register as a doctoral candidate at the University of Freiburg.

Before you start your application as a doctoral candidate, you need to set up a supervision agreement with your future responsible supervisor(s). You can find a template for such an agreement on the homepage of the respective faculty.

Please note:
Currently, the application for the Faculty of Law as well as the Faculty of Medicine does not take place via Docata. Prospective doctoral candidates of these faculties please follow these instructions.

Overview of the process

If you have any questions about technical issues, our Campus Management Department will gladly assist you. Please contact us via our e-mail address

Step You have already an active UniAccount You have an UniAccount that is no longer active You do not have an UniAccount
PreparationNo preparation necessary. Apply for a new account
For instructions, please see here.
Registration as a person in HISinOne
For instructions, please see here.
Step 1Data collection for prospective doctoral candidates (DOC 501) in HISinOne
Step 2E-mail with all necessary information to Docata activation
Step 3Create your application for admission as a doctoral candidate in Docata, if neccessary update your postal address in HISinOne.
Step 4Print the application and submit it to the doctoral committee of your faculty, together with all other required documents.

Please note: After the admission as a doctoral candidate at your faculty, you have to matriculate at the University.

Step 1: Data collection for prospective doctoral candidates (DOC 501)

Background: Since the amendment of the law concerning higher education statistics by the German Bundestag (Federal Parliament) in 2016, all state institutions of higher education are obliged to collect and process specific data about doctoral candidates. For this reason, the prospective doctoral candidate's data must be collected before he/she can apply for admission as a doctoral candidate.

Information for employees: For data protection reasons, certain personal data such as birthplace or postal address of employees are not imported automatically to HISinOne from the personnel management systems. For this reason, employees are automatically requested to complete the personal data necessary for the administration of the doctoral procedure before data collection.

Please follow these steps:

  • Log into HISinOne.
  • Make sure that you are in the roll 'Studieren', 'Mitarbeiter/in' or 'Bewerben'.
  • Click on the tab 'Service' and choose 'Requests'.
  • Choose 'Request of data collection for prospective doctoral candidates (DOC 501)' and fill in the form. For instructions, please see here.
  • Please upload the relevant documents.
  • Click Save again.

Helpful Information for filling in the form: The list of subjects to enter your previous studies is only available in German. Please click here for a list of translations: faecherschluessel_englisch.pdf. If you still cannot find the subject you studied before, choose the most similar one.

Step 2: Activation for the Docata online system

To activate your UniAccount or your 'application account' (after your 'registration as a person') for the Docata online system, please send an e-mail to and include the following information:

  • Subject of the e-mail: Docata activation
  • Your first and last name
  • UniAccount (for example nn1234) OR Date of birth, if you only have an 'application account' after your 'registration as a person'
  • Name of the faculty that you want to apply to

We will inform you via e-mail as soon as you can access Docata through your UniAccount. If you currently only have an 'application account' after your 'registration as a person', as a prospective doctoral candidate you will receive your own UniAccount with limited rights, with which you can also log into Docata. In this case, you will promptly receive an e-mail with information about your UniAccount.

Step 3: Creating the application for admission as a doctoral candidate in Docata

Please log into Docata with your UniAccount.

In Docata you can create your application for admission as a doctoral candidate electronically. Click on the link „start application for admission as a doctoral candidate“ and follow the instructions. You can interrupt the process at any time and continue later.

Step 4: Completion: Print the application, sign it and submit it to the doctoral committee of your faculty

After completing your application for admission as a doctoral candidate, you need to print it, sign it, and submit it to the doctoral examination committee of your faculty, together with all other required documents.

Please note that a complete application is required for a decision regarding your admission as a doctoral candidate.

FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions

Preparation if your UniAccount is no longer active: Apply for a new account

To apply for a new account for HISinOne and Docata, please send an e-mail to and include the following information:

  • Subject of the e-mail: New Account Docata
  • Your first and last name
  • UniAccount (for example nn1234) OR Date of birth

You will promptly receive an e-mail with information about your temporarily valid UniAccount, which you can use to log into both HISinOne and Docata.

Note: If your contact details in HISinOne are no longer current, please update them according to the instructions.

Preparation if you do not have an UniAccount: How to complete the registration

Important notes:

  • The registration as a person is only required if you do not have an UniAccount.
  • It serves as a preparation for the next steps, so that the system recognizes you as a person.
  • If you are an employee at the university and do not have a UniAccount yet, please follow these instructions.

Process of the registration:

  1. Open the registration form in HISinOne.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and change the language to „English“.
  3. Fill in your personal data and click „register“. Fields marked with * are mandatory. For some fields you can get more information via the info button .
  4. After your registration you will automatically receive an e-mail with a request to verify your 'application account'. Please confirm your application account and go ahead with Step 1 (DOC 501). Note: As a prospective doctoral candidate, you will receive your own UniAccount with limited rights after Docata has been activated (= Step 2), with which you can log into both HISinOne and Docata. In this case, you will promptly receive an e-mail with information about your UniAccount.

Address registration

To edit your contact info, please follow these steps.

QR-Code Application for admission as a doctoral candidate - Step by step (erstellt für aktuelle Seite)