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> Planner Of Studies

German Version: Studienplaner

The planner of studies provides an overview of courses, examinations and academic achievements that you will have to complete during your studies.

In this article you will learn

  • what the planner of studies offers you in the course of your studies,
  • which display methods are available,
  • how the planner of studies is structured.

What is the study planner?

  • Overview of assessments to be completed during your course of studies: older examination regulations may not be complete. Contact the respective coordinator in case of questions
  • Register for courses or withdraw from a course (within the accepted time frame). Please note that not all institutions are using this function for registering for courses.
    • Note: If you do not see the deadlines for enrollment or if you have further questions about enrolling in courses, please contact the relevant program coordinator.
    • Continue to → How to enroll for courses
  • It is only possible to register for examinations if your program of studies has been registered for the HISinOne function.

How do I find the study planner?

  • You can find the study planner from the start page by selecting „planner of studies with module plan“ or through the menue, via „my studies“. Please note that showing subsections can take time in the case of complex examination regulations.

  • If you are or were enrolled in several programs of studies, you will have to select the program of study for which you want to access the study planner.

Display of structure of examination regulations

  • Display of structure of examination regulations
    1. Your program of studies and examination regulations will be displayed.
    2. Make sure that the correct term is selected.
    3. You can enable or disable view of courses, examinations structure, or examinations.
    4. You can show or hide a structure with all modules, module elements, and courses. Please note that showing complex structures can take time.
    5. With the function 'Search in course catalog' you can search for courses, modules or module parts. The structure is expanded to modules in which elements are found.
    6. You can switch to the „Module discription“ display.

if you expand modules or module parts further, you will get to courses, examinations and non-graded work.

  • If you show content at a lower level, courses are displayed.
    1. By selecting a course title, you access details of the course. (learning goals, prerequisites, etc.)
      Continue to →Which information can I find on the course detail view?
    2. A course/exam/term scheduled in the semester can contain one or more group(s) under it, which may include further details about dates, rooms, and lecturers.
    3. If elements (e.g. courses) have an arrow symbol, going in two directions, these elements are multiply attributed.
    4. Under „actions“ you can register for courses, examinations or non-graded work within the time frame for registration.
      Continue to → >> How to enroll for courses\\Continue to → How to enroll for examinations and non-graded works
    5. In the „status“ column you can see courses you have registered for. Under modules and module elements you will see that an assessment has been started or is existing as soon as you have registered for one of its courses.

  • The global account (always as last element) is for courses that are not part of your program of studies.


  • Prüfungsordnung
  • Konto (z.B. für Pflicht- und Wahlpflichtbereiche, Ergänzungsbereiche etc.)
  • Modul
  • Modulteil
  • Veranstaltung
  • Gruppe (im jeweiligen Semester geplante Veranstaltung, auch mehrere Gruppen z.B. bei Übungen)
  • Mehrfach zugeordnetes Element (Veranstaltung, Modul, …)
  • Veranstaltungsgruppe (fasst Veranstaltungen zusammen, von denen nur eine zu belegen ist)
  • belegen (erscheint sobald/solange der Belegungszeitraum aktiv ist)

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